
Frequent Guest Form

Provides advance notice for the purpose of guest entry for individuals who frequntly visit the Development.

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Frequent Guest Form


Rules and Regulations section C. 8.
The purpose of the Frequent Guest Access system is to eliminate the need for providing advance notice to the main gate for guests who frequently visit members. The process begins with a form that must be completed by the member and returned to the Association Office. The Frequent Guest List may not exceed five (5) individuals per lot.

1) Member completes the Frequent Guest Form (all guest details required) and returns it to the main gate or office.

2) Staff will enter the guest's details in the system.

3) Guest will stop at the main gate and provide Security with their name and the name of the member and lot number.

4) Guest will be issued a pass and granted entry to the Development.

Please remember that guests must also follow the Rules & Regulations and all posted signs accordingly. If a guest is issued a citation, that citation is reflected upon your lot and you (the Association member) is responsible for all fines levied.


At the June 2015 Board meeting, the Directors unanimously approved going to a one-pass system for Guests (now called a Guest Pass). This Guest Pass does not allow guests to park in member-only parking, nor does it allow them to bypass the main Gate. All guests still must stop at the main Gate upon EACH ENTRY to the Association to obtain a Guest Pass.

This Frequent Guest Form is to be filled out only by the Association member and must be returned to the Office for entry. Guest data will be stored under the member's lot in our database.

The purpose of the Frequent Guest Form is to make the entry procedure for guests simple and smooth. Guests who are not on a member's Frequent Guest form must be called in and their details (vehicle information, etc.) must be provided.